This last 2 weeks have been really busy here for our family. In the last 2 weeks I have been home for 3 days. It was nice for us all to get out a little before calving starts in about a week. After coming back from Lincoln NE We were home for a day to repacking, and spending some time with Grandpa ( Grandpa Leo and Janet was in ND for 10 day for a visit ). Then Monday morning Dad, Jody, Janae, Paul, and I left at 5:00 am for Bismarck. From there Dad and Paul went on to MT for a bull sale and us 3 girls went out to Dakota Adventist Academy for the 2011 Music Fest. I do have some more pictures to share with you and I will be putting them on the computer soon. So for now God Bless!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Bible Bowl trip to Lincoln
This past week from Thursday morning to Monday night we were on a road trip. We left from our place at 8:00 am on Thursday morning to go down to Lincoln for the Mid-America Union Bible Bowl. Mom and us 4 kids plus Some friends from our Church. Josh and Emily the other 2 kids from our Bible Bowl team and Wendy (Josh's Mom) came along with us. We had fun traveling with friends. It always makes anything you do much more fun when you're with friends.
Janae and Emily
Josh and Paul
There were 19 teams at the Bible Bowl. We were number 10 and are way on the left front on this picture
Our team praying with Ann Wham, our Dakota Conf. director, before Bible Bowl
Paul helped lead out with "This Little Light of Mine"
Jody and I
Our team!
We were very well supported. LeRoy and Marion and Gordan and Durnetta drove down with us and supported us. We had our own fan club!
The stained glass windows in the College View church are so amazing! They are so beautiful!
When we first got into Lincoln, NE we went out to eat with Tabby and Mary at Sam and Louie's pizza
Our group
When ever we go to Lincoln we have to go to Fort West. It is a huge western store. any thing you could want is in there
We were going to leave for home on Sunday morning but because of the storm that went through South Dakota closeing most of the interstates we stayed an extra day. On Sunday we went swimming at the college pool
We stayed with Lynn and Lu Davis some friends of ours. They have a Wii and since we don't even have TV they had fun playing some games on Caitlynn's Wii
Jody, Josh, and Emily
Sunday morning was so nice in Lincoln and so we decided it was time for a football game
We had tons of fun
Jody kicking the football off
Mom visiting with Lu
working on a project
and shareing ice cream.
We were Blessed with good roads most of the way home. We enjoyed ourselves very much and want to say a BIG Thank you to the Davis' for their amazing hostitality.
Blessed are they that keep His testimonies, and that seek Him with their whole heart.
Psalm 119:2
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Thinking spring
This last week we have been thinking that spring has finally sprung. It is 45* out and everything is melting fast. It is so nice to enjoy the nice weather.
One of our new cows without a name
My Love will never fail you. I Corinthians 13:8
Friday, February 4, 2011
Swimming with Sunds
This Last week We went down to Rapid City of the Black Hills Stock Show! It was lots of fun but It was even better because we got to see family down there and we got to take our friends Sunds with Us.
I don't have any pictures of the Stock Show but I do have some of us swimming at our Motel. We had lots of fun. Thanks to everyone how made it a fun weekend!

They had a big water slide at the pool and We had tons of fun going down every way possible.
Because your lovingkindness is better than life. My lips shall praise You.
Psalm 63:3
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Bible Bowl
This past Saturday was the Dakot Confrence Bible Bowl at Dakota Adventist Academy. We went up early Saturday morning and spent the day up at DAA. At 2:00 p.m. the Bible Bowl started and we had 122 questions from the book of Revelation. We had Josh Cook and Emily Bough along with us 4 younger ones on a team. Our efforts were blessed and we tied for 1st place. We were all really excited and will be going down to Lincoln NE on Feb. 19th for the Mid-America Bible.
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