This week the cousins came to visit. about 2 times year our aunt and cousins come up from Florida to visit family in Jamestown, so when they come up they come down here for a day so we can play on the farm. We always have a lot of fun! It's lots of fun to take them around the farm and show them all the animals and to take them with you doing your chores.
They love chasing chickens and getting the eggs
I think that the chickens are a little freaked out and wounder what's happened when the 3 little ones come around
Savannah especially love the cats and kittens. Leyton and Branen even got to take one home with them.
All 3 of them have favorite horses on the farm that they look forward to seeing.
Savannah likes Dakota ~ Leyton likes Champ ~ and Branen likes Mighty Mouse

The horses liked when the kids came to see them because it ment getting fed lots of grass. But didn't like them as much when they had to put on saddles in this hot weather.
eating fresh peas from the was fun too
Before dinner we loaded up the 4-wheeler and dirt bike in the horse trailer and went down to our 3 pastures down by South Dakota to check cows. It has been so hot and humid these last 2 weeks that in North and South Dakota there has been literally 1000s of cattle and animals dieing. A guy in SD lost 250 feeder calves and a guy by Ellendale lost 400.
Savannah and Vanessa
Paul, Savannah, and Branen taking a break in the shade
It was fun showing them all the ropes to farm work. Leyton even drove 4-wheeler. It was so much more fun doing work with friends!
We even played hide and go seek in the sun flowers
Even though it was hot we saddled up 3 of the horses to give the kids rides.
They all loved the colts :) I wounder why? It's not like their cute or anything. :)
We enjoyed having you Kahlers, come any time! We love you all!
Love must be sincere.
Hate what is evil;
cling to what is good