Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Prairie Bible Camp

Ok I know I have a ton of pictures but there were so many fun ones I couldn't decide witch ones to put on.  I broke up the pictures into 2 posts this one is of inside pictures and the other one is of field games and outside pictures.  We had sooooooooo much fun at Prairie Bible camp this last week.  God worked in so many ways and in everything you could see God's hand and know He was working.  PBC always went from Sunday through Wednesday but this year they decided to do things differently and go from Tuesday evening through Sunday morning.  It worked better for us too being we got home from Campmeeting late Saturday night.

 As you saw in the other post that Mary and Brooklyn came home from Campmeeting with us and we got stuff together and organised till Tuesday.  We got up there early and got stuff set up.  Our theme was prayer,  Mary and Jody are putting up the letters to pray up on the stage on this picture.
 Janae and Brooki blowing up balloons to decorate.

 Aaron ( One of the boys counselors ) hung up the balloons in a pretty funny way
 Jody and Tabby registering kids.  We had around 37 kids.  The Lord definitely blessed sending us 37 kids. 

 Some of the boys
 We had lots of fun playing group games in the chapel. It was even more fun our side but since the first weeks in June are a little wet most of the time we had to think of some inside games.

 It was lots of fun making new friends and getting to spend some time with old ones.

 It's amazing how much fun you can have playing inside on rainy days.  Even though it wasn't quite as fun as being out in the sun we did have fun times in the chapel.
 These are all 5 of the girl counselors  ( Esther is in the way back playing piano )
 Brooki ( our cousin ) was a lot of help with last minute stuff and little things. We love you Brooki
 Mindy and Emmit

 Brooki and Janae

 Bible tic-tac-toe
 Being the human tic-tac-toe pieces
 Esther and Janae
 Jacob and Aaron
 Me ( Mindy ) and Brooki
 Tegian, Janae, and Tabby    Tabby and all her help did an amazing job.  Every day the Lord showed Himself through their work and every day fell together beautifully.
 Writing out one of the day's memory verse
 Prayer time was a blessing
 It is all ways something special when you can pray with friends
 Mindy playing Bible baseball
   This year Sunds came to camp.  It was a lot of fun to such good Friends there with us.  They all were a lot of help with little things.
 Aaron and Jacob answering a question for Bible baseball.
 Each day we had a 5 to 10 minute drama on some even in History that happened on the same day years before.  This skit was on Abraham Lincoln's House divided speech.  Angelica did an excellent job in writing it. 
 Angelica with her Might Mighty Scoop Noodle Challenge war paint on.
 Song time
 Brooklyn and Mary
 Jody and Shaniah
 On Friday we did a skit on the statue of Liberty.  Because 150 years ago on Friday they brought the statue of Liberty to the United States of America.  Tabby was lady Liberty.  Sorry I don't have a picture of the finished product,  We were all in the skit.
 The French board! :)
The Lord did an amazing work this last week.  We pray that the Lord worked mightily in all the kid's hearts and that they know God better from their week at camp.  Thank you to all the people praying for us the whole week, your prayers were answered.

Praise HIM for His might works;  Praise Him for his unequaled greatness!  Psalm 150:2

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