Thursday, November 3, 2011

Well it's that time of year again, can you guess?  Yup, time to start feeding cows for winter. :)  In the last two days we moved all our cows home but the first calvers and the replacement heifers. The first day we brought the cows from down by the SD boarder up to two other pastures we have in between SD and home.  Then yesterday we brought them the rest of the way.  We always enjoy moving and working with our cattle.  It's a high light in the spring to put the cows out to pasture and then to bring them home again in the fall!

Day: 1

 getting ready to go!

 Daffy's ready

 Do you remember playing cowboys and Indians? :)

 Paul and Champ

 Janae on the 4 wheeler

 Me and Daffy my trusty one

 Day: 2

 Paul playing with Bando and Roundup!

 Dad Was landolling the south 80 well we were getting the cows home
 Mom and Bando

Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done. Psalm 105:1

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking yesterday that it's this time of year! :) guess I was right on. Looks like so much fun! The difference between "beef" here and our cows at home is crazy!! Love you!
