Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What's been going on around here

These last few days our work has consisted of putting up hay, and vertical tilling.  There is someone on the 8400 tilling and someone on the 4020 and 7410 raking and baling at all times it seems like. 
 In the end of July we had a really bad wind storm that green snapped a good 1/2 of one of our quarters of corn.  So after combining the stuff still standing we went over the broken stuff with a V wheel rake and then baled it.  we did parts of 2 fields and quit when we had 339 corn stalk bales. 
Yesterday I made dinner and it was ready to eat but Janae was vertical tilling and Dad and Jody were stacking bales so Mom, Paul, and I loaded dinner up and took it out for a picnic.  We had lots of fun eating out at the field.  I remember when we were all younger always asking to go eat in the field.  It was always a highlight!

And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior............for He who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is His name.  Luke 1:47-49

1 comment:

  1. Since I've been here there and everywhere for the past week I have to comment on all your posts now! :) wow, you know how to itch my homesick bone! :) This just looks wonderful, and again I love the pictures!! wow, they're great!! and all the ones from moving cows too! Did you get a zoom lens yet?
