Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The last 2 days the wind has been blowing about 50 mph, and last night it started to snow. 
So today and all last night it blizzard. By tomorrow it is suppose to be over.  Then we will all sleep a lot easier.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hello!  Here are some pictures we took with my new camera.  Saturday we spent the day in Lehr and had the afternoon to take some fun pictures.  It made it even more fun because Brooklyn was there to take pictures with us.  Hope you all had a great weekend,  we did!

 Jody and Mindy
 Janae, Jody, and Mindy
 Mindy and Jody
 Jody, Mindy, and Janae
 Janae, Mindy, and Brooki
Janae, Jody, and Mindy

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Camera

This week I had the opportunity to buy a Olympus evolt 520.  I got it this morning and I had a really fun day experimenting with all the settings.  I still have a lot to learn but I am really exited to learn.  Here are just a few of the pictures I took today

 Our Kittens
 Dixon and Panara
 A cow calf pair
 a corn cob from the corn we harvested
( We started harvesting corn today.  The Lord has blessed us this year )

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The longer I live the more convincing proof I see of this truth, that God  governs in the affairs of men.  And if a sparrow can not fall to the ground without His notice, is it possible that an empire can raise without His aid? We have been assured, sir,
 in the sacred writings, that 'exept the Lord build
the House, they labor in vain that build it.'"  
  Benjamin Franklin

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pathfinders and Adventures

This last Monday evening we had our first Pathfinder Adventure meeting.  We were so exited how many kids were there!  In the little town of Lehr that has 4 kids total we had a group of 19 kids and there are going to be 9 more kids next time.

 We made some cute little scare crows

Friday, October 8, 2010

Cutting Silage

This week we cut about 75 acres of corn for silage.  It's been a long week with long days and short nights!  we are nearing the end, we hope to finish the last of it by tonight.  Well, I hope you enjoy a few of the pictures I took.