Tuesday, March 29, 2011


 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;  does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;  bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails....... 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24th 2011

This last week was not too fun to be calving in.  We got about 2 inches of snow and lots of ice .  We had to keep a close eye on the cows through the night and we had to check a lot in the day too.  We are really starting to get quite a few calves.  Right now our count is 24 little calves.

The trees are so full of ice, they look so pretty

I found this lone leaf that was frozen full of ice.  I thought it looked pretty
All the fence posts are frozen full of ice from the East because the wind and freezing rain came from the East 

 Since this last week was really nice in the 30s most of the snow melted but after Tuesday and Wednesday we have more snow

Even through it all though the cows came out of it pretty well.  Even the calves are running around today

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Youth Rally

Yesterday Mom took us girls up to the Clevland church for a Youth Rally. It was lots of fun to spend time with other kids and to be with friends.  We were blessed with the messages and were encouraged. 

Jody and I had fun playing some hand games with the little kids
The speakers were really good and we enjoyed the meetings a lot.
For an after noon project we marked Bibles for signs boxes.  We enjoyed that a lot and hope someone will be blessed by these gifts.
There were about 35 youth there from around the area.  In North Dakota small communities it was a pretty good turn out.

Mr. Griffen is one of the best song serves leaders you will ever find.
For the evening we went out to Sund's farm for supper and an evening filled with lots of fun.  They had quite a few group games to play and they were all enjoyed.
For this game you had 2 teams and you had to pass a balloon all the way down your line with your feet. 
Musical chairs is always a fun game.  If you have the right people playing it can even get wild!
For a relay race you and all your team mates had to run down to the other end of the shop and get dressed in the winter stuff and then tag the next team member
Then to top off a day full of laughs we played some long games of good old lightning

One of the fun things we did was play pit.  For some reason I'm not sure why ? we always seem to get in trouble for being too loud when we play this game :)
with Sund's having so many little animals on their farm this time of year the little kids got to enjoy the new little babies.

For you are my hope, O Lord God; You are my trust from my youth. Psalm 71:5

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Random Pictures

Teach me Your way, O Lord;  I will walk in Your truth;
 Unite my heart to fear Your name.
 I will praise you, O Lord my God,
 With my heart, and I will glorify Your name forever.
 For great is Your mercy toward me,
 and You have delivered my soul from the depths of the lowest.  Psalm 86:11-13

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guess what?

We started Calving !!!!!!!

And God said "let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, Cattle, and creeping thing, and the beast of the earth after his kind, and it was so"
Genesis 1:24

Freeze branding heifers

Yesterday Clarence (Dad's Brother) was here to freeze brand our heifers.  We gave them new ear tags, gave them a pinkeye shot, and freeze branded them all in one pass through the chute.  Everything went well and we were blessed with a beautiful day to do it too.  It was 45* yesterday and everything was melting!
 The tags we put in the heifers
 It is always fun working cows with Clarence
 Mom wrote numbers down and helped get the tags out
 Janae always brought the calves into the allyway
 Paul liked to help pick out the tags

 Janae taking a break
 Jody helping Clarence time the brand (18 seconds).

I am with you and I will help you because I am your God.     Isaiah 41:10

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Woman's retreat

Today Mom, Janae, and I went to Edgeley for a after noon women's retreat.  Our church in Edgeley put it on for the other 2 Churches in our district.  It was fun to be out with some friends for a day to visit and learn more about our Savior Jesus Christ.  I hope each heart was touched in a special way. 

They had everything decorated a nice
Mom, Janae, and I led out for some group songs and we had 2 special musics
Gerry our pasture's wife led out in the meeting and she did a really good job.
It was nice to visit with friends.

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.  Proverbs 24:11