Sunday, March 20, 2011

Youth Rally

Yesterday Mom took us girls up to the Clevland church for a Youth Rally. It was lots of fun to spend time with other kids and to be with friends.  We were blessed with the messages and were encouraged. 

Jody and I had fun playing some hand games with the little kids
The speakers were really good and we enjoyed the meetings a lot.
For an after noon project we marked Bibles for signs boxes.  We enjoyed that a lot and hope someone will be blessed by these gifts.
There were about 35 youth there from around the area.  In North Dakota small communities it was a pretty good turn out.

Mr. Griffen is one of the best song serves leaders you will ever find.
For the evening we went out to Sund's farm for supper and an evening filled with lots of fun.  They had quite a few group games to play and they were all enjoyed.
For this game you had 2 teams and you had to pass a balloon all the way down your line with your feet. 
Musical chairs is always a fun game.  If you have the right people playing it can even get wild!
For a relay race you and all your team mates had to run down to the other end of the shop and get dressed in the winter stuff and then tag the next team member
Then to top off a day full of laughs we played some long games of good old lightning

One of the fun things we did was play pit.  For some reason I'm not sure why ? we always seem to get in trouble for being too loud when we play this game :)
with Sund's having so many little animals on their farm this time of year the little kids got to enjoy the new little babies.

For you are my hope, O Lord God; You are my trust from my youth. Psalm 71:5

1 comment:

  1. awesome pictures!! Looks like tons of fun :) I wish I could've been there! And CUTE CUTE sweaters you twins! love you! :)
