Thursday, October 20, 2011

This morning we woke up to one of the most beautiful mornings God has ever made for us. 

 The fog was so pretty, the tops of the trees were just sticking out.  Sorry all these pictures are a lot alike but I couldn't decide which ones to put on.
 Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eye can see.


  1. Wow, thanks :) they're amazing! It's so incredible when the fog rolls in here, which is pretty often, but it's like clouds because we're already part way up the mountain... it's such a unique beauty!! It is just amazingly beautiful, but last time the sun set and the mountain was just gorgeous I stood there trying to soak it all in... and then I had this image in my mind of the same pink orange colors that flood our farm when the sun is setting and THAT that is just as beautiful! I am so glad God has blessed me with the privilege of enjoying both of these totally different, but gorgeous places!
